Analise smart-contract





  • 未经授权的暂停:欺诈者可以控制暂停功能并未经适当授权停止合约,这可能导致业务中断或财务损失。

  • 欺诈性延迟:恶意合约可能在临时维护或安全措施的名义下暂停关键交易,如提款或转账,目的是拒绝用户访问其资产。

  • 虚假紧急声明:欺诈者可能虚假宣称紧急情况或漏洞,以此来合理化暂停合约,并在暂停期间使用用户的资金。

  • 安全借口:恶意合约可能声称发现了安全漏洞,从而激活暂停功能。实际上,欺诈者可能意图利用这种情况。

  • 紧急方案:欺诈者可能使用恐吓性语言或场景,如声称“入侵企图”或“紧急情况”,以此来合理化暂停操作,在此期间他们可能进行非法行为。



  1. 检查合约的源代码,查看是否存在暂停功能。确保暂停机制有良好的文档记录并具有适当的访问控制。

  2. 查明谁控制暂停功能。未经授权或未经检查地拥有暂停功能可能会带来潜在问题。

  3. 阅读文档和项目规范,确保它们提供关于暂停功能、其目的及可能使用情况的清晰准确信息。

  4. 关注暂停功能的透明性使用。确保有明确的管理程序,并决定何时激活或停用暂停功能。

  5. 关注智能合约安全的外部审计,特别是暂停机制。审计人员应评估暂停功能的安全性和透明性。

  6. 观察合约的行为,并确保暂停功能仅在合理情况下激活,例如维护或安全原因。

  7. 参与项目社区和其他用户,了解他们对使用暂停功能的经验和关注点。

  8. 保持与我们社区(Telegram 频道)的最新发展和防欺诈最佳实践(我们的博客和YouTube频道)保持同步。


Lotus Market 的安全扫描器在99.9%的时间内能够发现所有常见(包括隐藏的)暂停功能。使用我们的高级订阅,保护您的资金免受威胁。

接下来,我们将看一下 Lotus Market 平台成功发现的一些暂停功能的最常见示例。

independently determine

示例 1:基本暂停功能

    contract BasicPauseToken {
      address public owner;
      bool public paused;
      constructor() {
          owner = msg.sender;
          paused = false;
      modifier whenNotPaused() {
          require(!paused, "Contract is paused");
      function pause() public {
          require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can pause");
          paused = true;
      function unpause() public {
          require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can unpause");
          paused = false;
      function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) public whenNotPaused {
          // Transfer logic when the contract is not paused

识别提示: 查找具有暂停和取消暂停功能或类似功能的合约,可以切换暂停状态。

检查应用于某些函数的 whenNotPaused 类型修饰符,确保只有在合约未暂停时才能执行这些函数。


示例 2:时间激活的暂停

    contract TimeActivatedPauseToken {
      address public owner;
      bool public paused;
      uint256 public pauseStartTime;
      uint256 public pauseDuration;
      constructor(uint256 _duration) {
          owner = msg.sender;
          paused = false;
          pauseStartTime = 0;
          pauseDuration = _duration;
      modifier whenNotPaused() {
          require(!paused, "Contract is paused");
      function pause() public {
          require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can pause");
          paused = true;
          pauseStartTime = block.timestamp;
      function unpause() public {
          require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can unpause");
          require(block.timestamp >= pauseStartTime + pauseDuration, "Pause duration not over");
          paused = false;
      function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) public whenNotPaused {
          // Transfer logic when the contract is not paused

识别提示: 查找具有时间激活暂停机制的合约,在此机制中,暂停和取消暂停具有特定的持续时间。

检查是否有应用于某些函数的 whenNotPaused 类型修饰符。确保合约执行暂停持续时间,并且只能在经过指定时间段后取消暂停。


time-activated pause

示例 3:条件暂停功能

    contract ConditionalPauseToken {
      address public owner;
      bool public paused;
      constructor() {
          owner = msg.sender;
          paused = false;
      modifier whenNotPaused() {
          require(!paused || msg.sender == owner, "Contract is paused");
      function pause() public {
          require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can pause");
          paused = true;
      function unpause() public {
          require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can unpause");
          paused = false;
      function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) public whenNotPaused {
          // Transfer logic when the contract is not paused, except for the owner

识别提示: 查找具有条件暂停机制的合约,允许所有者即使在合约暂停时执行某些交易。

检查是否有应用于需要合约处于非暂停状态的函数的 whenNotPaused 类型修饰符。

示例 4:紧急暂停功能

    contract EmergencyPauseToken {
      address public owner;
      bool public paused;
      constructor() {
          owner = msg.sender;
          paused = false;
      modifier whenNotPaused() {
          require(!paused || msg.sender == owner, "Contract is paused");
      function pause() public {
          require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can pause");
          paused = true;
      function emergencyPause() public {
          require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can initiate emergency pause");
          paused = true;
      function unpause() public {
          require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can unpause");
          paused = false;
      function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) public whenNotPaused {
          // Transfer logic when the contract is not paused, except for the owner

识别提示: 查找具有紧急暂停功能的合约,允许所有者即使在没有标准暂停程序的情况下立即暂停合约。

检查是否有应用于需要合约处于非暂停状态的函数的 whenNotPaused 类型修饰符。



示例 5:有时间限制的所有者控制暂停

    contract TimedPauseToken {
      address public owner;
      bool public paused;
      uint256 public pauseStartTime;
      uint256 public pauseDuration;
      constructor(uint256 _duration) {
          owner = msg.sender;
          paused = false;
          pauseStartTime = 0;
          pauseDuration = _duration;
      modifier whenNotPaused() {
          require(!paused, "Contract is paused");
      function pause() public {
          require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can pause");
          paused = true;
          pauseStartTime = block.timestamp;
      function unpause() public {
          require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can unpause");
          require(block.timestamp >= pauseStartTime + pauseDuration, "Pause duration not over");
          paused = false;
      function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) public whenNotPaused {
          // Transfer logic when the contract is not paused

识别提示: 查找具有所有者控制的暂停功能的合约,包括具有特定暂停和取消暂停的持续时间。

检查是否有应用于适当函数的 whenNotPaused 类型修饰符,以限制在合约暂停时的操作。

owner-controlled pause with time limit

示例 6:带有时间限制的第三方暂停功能

    contract ThirdPartyTimedPauseToken {
      address public owner;
      address public thirdParty;
      bool public paused;
      uint256 public pauseStartTime;
      uint256 public pauseDuration;
      constructor(address _thirdParty, uint256 _duration) {
          owner = msg.sender;
          thirdParty = _thirdParty;
          paused = false;
          pauseStartTime = 0;
          pauseDuration = _duration;
      modifier whenNotPaused() {
          require(!paused || msg.sender == owner || msg.sender == thirdParty, "Contract is paused");
      function pause() public {
          require(msg.sender == thirdParty, "Only the third party can pause");
          paused = true;
          pauseStartTime = block.timestamp;
      function unpause() public {
          require(msg.sender == thirdParty, "Only the third party can unpause");
          require(block.timestamp >= pauseStartTime + pauseDuration, "Pause duration not over");
          paused = false;
      function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) public whenNotPaused {
          // Transfer logic when the contract is not paused, except for the owner and the third party

识别提示: 查找具有第三方管理的暂停机制的合约,其中第三方可以在设置的持续时间内暂停和解除合约。

检查是否有应用于合约暂停时限制操作的 whenNotPaused 类型修饰符。










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